We are in the month of November. The rains are less frequent and we should be getting ready for the dry/harmattan season where it also gets hotter especially when december comes and into the new year as well. i have acquired some growing space for my nursery, my future plants and all.my other experiments which is obviously bare now but by the grace of God.will.be transformed into a beautiful, abundant green working space.
From assessing the area, being in it, studying and planning and from my walks in general and other gardening activities, i have really noticed and have been drawn to the “weeds” or rather naturally occurring plants in my space and in my environment generally, in the gutter, by the roadside,aming hedges, on lawns, wall and concrete cracks all flourishing and looking beautiful in the most expected and unexpected places.
To the conventional farmer or gardener, weeds are the enemy but we can always look at them from a different perspective to manage them well and work in harmony with them and not against them. We dont need to kill all the weeds. Many of them are beneficial to the environment and medicinal to us. They are there for a purpose,.not.just by chance so before you or myself go on a massive weed killing spree, let us think, hmm, why is this here?..what is this?how can i work with this? can i use it? Weeds, when you study them.and their habitat, lets you know what is wrong or right with your soil and what it could possibly need. I also feel that the naturally occurring plants and trees around us is Gods way of directly providing medicine/food for the naturally occurring illnesses and miscellaneous that frequent us every now and then. Possibly.Thats why you see them all around. Resilient and abundant. Im always curious about every plant, who they are and what they do. Here are a few general benefits of weeds;
and wind.
2. Weeds play an important part in nutrient recycling. Roots of weeds tap nutrients from the
lower soil depths and return these to the soil surface as litter when the weeds shed their
leaves or when the entire plant plants die and decay.
3. Weeds add organic matter to the soil both from the roots and from the above ground parts.
4. Many plants that are designated weeds are used as potherbs e.g Talinum triangulare.
5. Weeds are sources of pesticides e.g Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium which provide
insecticide pyrethrum.
6. Weeds provide food and cover for animal. Wildlife generally depend on weeds for survival
as food and shelter.
7. Weeds serve as an important source of genetic materials for crop improvement such as
breeding for resistance to pests and diseases which are made possible by genetic materials
provided by wild species of the crop plants.
8. Weeds serve as host for beneficial insects, and at the same time provide nectar for bees.
9. Many weeds help to beautify and protect the landscape E.g a good ground cover and a good mulch
So of course I went into some study and research and There are a few particular weeds that i notice everywhere which i knew/know are medicinal. We could pay more attention to them. You might know or recognize them. One thing in common with them all is that they apparently, and as i have seen grow especially in sunny, dry sandy, rocky sites. In coarse textured soil, disturbed soil and wasteland. I also feel they grow where the ground is quite compacted and lacks oxygen/air flow. They may be there to improve the situation.Anyway regardless, i think weeds arent partial, they will grow anywhere everywhere they can go.
African/West Indian wood nettle(laporta Aestuans),
an annual plant, is used as food for edible snails,
is a blood purifier and helps release excess water and salt from.the body and lowers blood pressure
it can be eaten as vegetable in soup to treat digestive and stomach disorders and constipation
it is great for the liver and also an antidote for poisoning. all by decoction
Blue day flower(commelina diffusa),
a perennial creeping plant,with beautiful blue flowers, in a few cultures across nigeria.and ghana is known as the grass that will.never die, God will die before i die and others due to its tenacity to life.
The whole plant decocted/boiled is generally used for fever, eyewash, headache and menstrual pains. It may be a mild remedy because im not so sure of its strength, from my personal.use.
I see this plant grow in dry, sandy, poor soil as.well as rich loamy soil.
Tridax Daisy/coat buttons(Tridax Procumbens),
native to most tropical regions is used, especially.in India to treat liver disorders, gastritis, heartburn, acid reflux and external bleedig, using the whole plant.
It is antifungal and an insect repellent. Smoke produced by burning the plant repels mosquioes especially, and others.
Its been a pleasure. Just don't forget to hoe or pull out your weeds before they spread their seed. If you want. Take care of yourself and take care of the Earth.
Folu, Steward of the Earth.x