Saturday, September 29, 2018

A little post about Chickens

 Free range, natural chickens. I love caring for chickens. There is always so much drama watching them... Watching them in the morning as they come out to eat and going about their daily activities. Chicken life can also be harsh sometimes.. Also love them for nostalgic reasons. Let's stop putting them in cages all their lives shall we. It's sad and unhealthy. Thats not original chicken.Its in their nature to roam freely and develop as they should. Caged chemical chicken farming is even more expensive..and I know there is “agribusiness”, demand, money to be made and some may not care how their food gets to their tables as long as they can eat but doing what is ethically and naturally right is what matters.

    There would still be enough healthy eggs and meat for us if our diet is right and If chicken(farming) is not concentrated amongst just a couple of mass producers. We also dont need to eat that much meat. It is only a culture we have become accustomed to. Most humans never used to eat meat the way we do now. Meat should be a luxury. I dont want to sound like a crazy radical vegan, but animal life is also precious. Im not saying dont eat meat. Downsize, Spread out and diversify: our diet and food chain. I don't know much. Just saying.
  With free range chickens You get good friends and company, you get great nutritious eggs, high quality proper natural meat and very rich manure. For your soil. Probably much more. They get to run around free and do their own things and be themselves and eat what they find and much more. How much better can it be? Plus  I believe my spirit animal is a bird. Don't know which one yet but I do know a few people who are chickens.. And even pigeons lol. #chickens #freerange #eggs #meat #birds #farming #livestock #health #wealth #capitalism #spiritanimal #life #stewardofthearth #2kobo #agribusiness #agriculture

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