Monday, September 24, 2018

Musings: Rhythms and forces of nature within and without.

    Good day humans. Recently coming back from a 3day course on "Rhythms and forces" of Nature aka Astronomy and having learnt a lot more about the cosmos and understanding it in relation to processes that happen in Nature and how we can work in harmony with it, I just want to remind us and myself to try to be more mindful of nature and continue to know and acknowledge what is going on outside around us and above.  Lets not get stuck in our heads and so fixed in our own little worlds and whats only right in front of us. We were made for Nature and it was made for us. We arent meant to be separate from it. These things do matter. This generation seems to be getting sicker everyday in all aspects of our being because we have become so detached from these things. Nothing new.

        Lets remember to look at the trees breathing and swaying, the detail in a leaf or a flower, the clouds as the move and change, the birds in the sky, the sun as it rises from the east to its high point and sets in the west, the waxing and waning of the moon.and how it affects us and the nature around us. Many lessons to be learnt from these processes and patterns about life, nature/the earth, ourselves and God. Experience the the lengths, breadths and widths of the life God has given us through nature. Or rather, the circle of life lol. It is our right. Also as someone said, If every one can take care of nature the way our creator admonished us, we will learn to appreciate each other more. Dont separate from nature. Mother nature is a great gift to humanity, to enjoy and give thanks all the time. 💕 All the love.
Folu, Steward of the Earth.

#nature #stewardoftheearth #life #sustainability #hedgelaying #thefieldcentre #sun #cosmos #spirit #organic #biodynamic #agriculture #love #musings #foodforthought

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