Saturday, September 29, 2018

Trees for Life: Crucial Importance of trees

Trees. What is a tree sef?
Trees give us food and medicine
Trees provide shade and shelter
Trees prevent erosion and flood
Trees provide oxygen and cleanses the air
Trees provide ecosystem for birds and animals
Trees replenish the soil
Trees absorb and block noise
Trees help settle out and trap dust, pollen and smoke from the air especially for cities
Trees support agriculture, preserving biodiversity, protecting water supplies and moderating the impact of climate change

“Reaching deep into the earth, tree roots draw up groundwater, purify it, and let it evaporate through their leaves. This moisture gathers into clouds before returning to Earth as rain. Without this primordial cycle there would be no agriculture at all.

Agriculture also depends on healthy soil, which trees protect from erosion. Trees regulate the temperature of the air and earth, and make moisture available to crops. They prevent soil salinization, shield crops from violent winds, and produce nutrients for all that grows around them. By providing a habitat for bees and other pollinating animals, they also contribute to crop fertilization.” (Ecosia)

   But apparently Nigeria has lost 96% of its forest due to deforestation??? according to the Nigerian conservation foundation??? crazy ridiculous and sad if this is exactly true because i also know that apparently more than 40% to 50% of farmable arable land in Nigeria is still yet to be touched and used. Therefore there should still be some forest there right?? and Nigeria is very big..especially the north and other areas, compared to lagos and the other south west states crammed into lower left corner of Nigeria.

      Any way the matter is that We need these treeesss!!! Let people farm let people also conserve. There should be a way to work with the natural lay of the land and the natural vegetation there to establish your farm or anything else. No slash and burn, no bulldoze everything down, killing and driving away life. Many times i think that the reason why in Precolonial times past, the reason why towns and villages had an “evil forest or a sacred forest” was to keep nature free and functioning on her own and conserve the natural habitats. Nature was much much sacred and esteemed then. Also it was to keep man from interfering too much and tearing and harvesting the forest down or settling for his own benefit and interest.That may have been the case or maybe not, but it makes sense.

I'm always appreciating and crying for trees and hoping to do something soon enough. Social media is not enough sometimes. You know how you feel when you're in the midst of many trees or even away from the city.
#investintrees#Reforestation #ClimateAction #Environment #Sustainability #Search #OneTreeAtATime #landscape #discoverearth #exploretheglobe #earthfocus #ourplanetdaily#investinyourfuture #trees #forthelove #stewardofthearth

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