Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Aloe Vera, Miracle Plant

They say that Aloe Vera is a miracle plant. Reason ithat it is renowned for its powerful healing properties. Apart from being really good for the skin and other topical ailments, one better thing I know is that Aloe Vera is really good for most gastrointestinal issues. Meaning your stomach, bowels etc. The juice is great for detox and is a strong purgative and laxative to get things going.

Also meaning that is helps with constipation, as well as intestinal ulcer. It improves your gut flora and balances your ph. Acidity vs alkaline. Balance, more alkaline preferably, All according to my trusted sources. Once you have a good gut, all is well and keep it that way. We are all trying to be healthy. I could do with some soon tbh. Aloe vera is useful for so many ailments. Apparently It is one of the most potent anitbiotics in the world. I. Will stop there because i am not your doctor or Tmp. I am just like you. 

Aloe vera is a great way to start growing something.. Or growing more if you dont have. Many of these our plants are a great investment for the future and for our health. Aloe vera has to be at least 5 years old for it to be very effective. The older the plant, the more active it is. So get growing and wait on it.

Aloe vera should be planted in every compound, backyard, balcony and indoors. It grows so quickly and is very easy to grow. It can grow to 1 - 4 feet. Doesnt require much attention. Just a lot of sun and water every other week or so. Hard to kill. Aloe vera can be your start or little way to get closer to nature. Aloe vera will Make the difference in your space within and without. 

#aloevera #aloebarteri #aloebarbadensis #aloeveramiracleplant #aloeveraineveryhome #aloeveradetox

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