Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Let us bring the Forests back into our Spaces

Since the Amazon forest is being burnt, for farmland and ranches, apparently 95 % of our forests in Nigeria are gone, and the Congo basin forest is disappearing at an alarming rate for minerals, energy and wood resources, our environment is bound to get hotter, drier, and we might have less oxygen and less carbon in the atmosphere. 

Therefore we have to strive to regain what we have lost and are losing. We have to generate our more of our own oxygen, with the little we can do. We need to grow our own forests where we are and create our own little ecosystems, create shade and air conditioning, grow flowers and native flowering plants for pollination, grow all sorts, grow trees, grow fruit, grow some food. Healthy, ethical, environmentally conscious agriculture needs to be practiced as well. One day soon, we will realize how important and intrinsic this is to who we are as human beings. Im trying my best/what i can and I can even do better. 💚

#loveplants #lovenature #environmentalconservation #nature #forestgarden #urbanforest #urbanjungle #stewardofthearth

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