Thursday, May 28, 2020

Gardening as a Sacred Art

Reading Gardening as a sacred art by Jeremy Naydler again. A gift from SandnClay . Forever grateful. ๐Ÿ’šOne of my favorite books that helps put things into perspective and inspires and confirms my ideas concerning my Gardening and my Art.
Here are a some ideas and notes from my reading. Would like to know your thoughts. 


There is a tension upon us. We have divorced and alienated ourselves from the natural world and we are still trying to find the gap between nature and ourselves. There is an intrinsic bond between nature in a higher sense and the soul of man. That is why we love plants and nature, that is why you are curious and can not deny it. 


A plant is not just a trend or an object or a thing or raw material to be used shaped and designed to fit our human ideas of what is beautiful and profitable. A plant, a garden is a living, breathing conscious being. 


We need to re-educate our senses and develop a keen appreciation and consciousness of the innate beauty and life of the natural world. We need to engage and really look at plants to become more sensitive. Give in and adjust our aesthetic choices and decisions to nature instead of the ego and control. Only Through the cooperative effort of human beings and nature can we have paradise within and without(environment).


There is a mysterious invisible inner life/realm of Nature and within ourselves to access, and to know intimately. And it is constantly calling. Now . From the past and from the future. Nature blatantly inevitably points you towards the Divine. 


The skill of the gardener is to utilize nature to promote human wellbeing. The purpose of gardening is to enhance Nature’s Glory

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