Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The life of the Sower/Gardener: Waiting, living and learning

There is always hope. We ought not to give up. Hope. Faith. Love. That thing you believe in, want or expect to happen will happen. Of course it's not easy. I love Pitanga aka Surinam cherry. I've always known and had it all my life. When the time came to harvest and multiply,  I just couldn't believe and refused to believe that it couldn't be propagated by cuttings as far as I know. Like how.. Why. Not even a chance. C'est la vie. So sad. Anyway I saved seeds and planted these in October 2018. Did you read that?. October. By december I thought they had failed but I still left it alone. Lo and behold these came up this mid January... And others came up too. Incredible.

The sower must be very patient. Planting seeds is not for get rich quick. Its for loving, kind, simple and contented hearts. Months or weeks down the line i learnt fro my mistakes. We live and learn so much from plants. It turns out that, i didnt need to g through 3-4 months of waiting for seeds to sprout. Some seeds are naturally in a protective, dormant state for a while before they germinate, which is natures wise, patient and secure way of reproducing, regenerating etc. You just have to do some research on the seed or plant you are dealing with or talk to other knowledgeable gardeners. I only had to soak the seeds in warm, sometimes hot water for 24 hours before planting. One thing we shouldn't take for granted is presoaking your seeds in water a day or so before planting,  sometimes even boiling, to wake them up. Some seeds need it.

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